Az amerikai nemzetbiztonsági tanácsadó a közösségi médián keresztül üzent a boszniai Szerb Köztársaságnak, és név szerint Milorad Dodiknak, aki a múlt héten jelentette be, hogy a...
On March 17, 1994, I visited Sarajevo, which was still under Serbian siege, on a military transport plane of the international peacekeepers. In an armored combat...
The Bosnian-Herzegovinian court has announced that they have not yet reached a decision on whether to accept or reject the indictment against Milorad Dodik. The statutory...
The European Commission has lifted the suspension it imposed last year on the disbursement of EU funds intended for the Bosnian Serb Republic. Milorad Dodik, the...
After a lengthy negotiation break, border modification and territory exchange between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina may take place. This comes after the Bosnia and Herzegovina...